How to Study More in Less Time for Exams

Create a Schedule

Having a set schedule can give a signal to your brain that it's time to get to work.

Have a Designated Study Area

Make a distinct study zone where you can study.

keep your study space clean

Maintain a clean and orderly study space so you can devote more time to studying.

Getting chores out of the way is a great way to start the day.

To avoid interruptions, take care of everyday duties before beginning your study session.

Create a Study Plan

set the priority for your most important chapters according to the number of marks, questions, and level of difficulty.

Create a Time table

Making a timetable helps you organise your time, arrange your breaks, and is especially helpful if you are studying different courses.

Examine the Question Papers from the Previous Years

This will help you  to understand the most important topics in each chapter that you must study for your exam.

For easy memorization, use visual cues.

Place a couple sheets of chart paper on your wall or in your cabinets. Dates, formulas, and mnemonics should all be written down.

Place a couple sheets of chart paper on your wall or in your cabinets. Dates, formulas, and mnemonics should all be written down.

Sleep well and eat healthy

Making time for yoga and meditation is beneficial to both your physical and mental healthy.