Our  whole universe is  controlled by the number  '9'

Doubling numbers starting from number 9

9=9 18=1+8=9 36=3+6=9 72=7+2=9 144=1+4+4=9 288=2+8+8=18=1+8=9 576=5+7+6=18=1+8=9 And so on

Getting  digit sum   9 every time

Now halving numbers starting from number 9

9=9 4.5= 4+5=9 2.25=2+2+5=9 1.125=9 0.5625=9 0.28125=9 and so on.....

Getting digit sum  9 every time

Number nine exists at all the places in the universe

Speed of Light = 186282 miles /sec =1+8+6+2+8+2=27+2+7=9

Diameter of the sun 864000 miles =8+6+4+0+0+0=18=+1+8= 9

Diameter of the earth =7920 miles=7+9+2+0=18+1+8=9

Diameter of the Moon =2160 miles=2+1+6+0=9

Number 9 is also related with time

Second in one hour = 3600 3+6+0+0=9

Seconds in a day 86400 8+6+4+0+0=18=1+8=9

Seconds in a week 604800 6+0+4+8+0+0=18=1+8=9

 Seconds in a month 2592000  2+5+9+2+0+0+0=9

Minutes in a day =1440 1+4+4+0=9

Minutes in a week =10080  1+0+0+8+0=9

Minutes in a month =43200 4+3+2+0+0=9

Minutes in a year=525600 5+2+5+6+0+0=18=1+8=9

The vibrational frequency of the universe is about 432 Hz 4+3+2=9

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